New public access defibrillator site in Wisborough Green

Paul Berry from the Billingshurst Emergency Assistance Team (BEAT) with Will Pasfield, director of Bellmans (right) and the new defibrillator in Wisborough Green SUS-200308-153309001Paul Berry from the Billingshurst Emergency Assistance Team (BEAT) with Will Pasfield, director of Bellmans (right) and the new defibrillator in Wisborough Green SUS-200308-153309001
Paul Berry from the Billingshurst Emergency Assistance Team (BEAT) with Will Pasfield, director of Bellmans (right) and the new defibrillator in Wisborough Green SUS-200308-153309001
A new public access defibrillator (PAD) site has been set up in Wisborough Green by the Billingshurst Emergency Assistance Team (BEAT).

The new site at Bellmans, Newpound, will cover businesses and residential properties and brings the total that BEAT is responsible for to 27.

Paul Berry, from BEAT, said: “We are very proud of the number of PAD sites the team has helped to set up in the 14 years since the team started and we have seen first hand how vital they can be if someone suffers a cardiac arrest.

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“We are so grateful to Bellmans for providing the site and setting it up for us, and to Stuart Cato from Cato Electrical who fitted the cabinet free of charge.”

BEAT is a registered charity and is always grateful for any financial support local people, clubs and organisations can give to help fund its PAD sites and Community First Responders.

For more information please contact 07880 507666.


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