LETTER: Roffey is a very pleasant place

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Your report on Roffey is not the Roffey I know. I have lived in Roffey for about 41 years and during that time I have never encountered any trouble.

Perhaps I am lucky but in all that time and now I have found my neighbours pleasant and helpful and the shops in Fitzalan Road are a delight with helpful assistants.

I do live in a cul de sac and we all help each other out. I attend the Women’s Institute at the Methodist Church and up until recently went to a keep fit class in the Millennium Hall.

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Many of the people in Roffey are just plain nice. You indicate South Holmes to be a troubled area. Well, all I can say is it wasn’t always like that. I can remember when many of the flats were occupied by the elderly and it was a pleasant place.

So please don’t ‘run down’ Roffey, it is a good community and I am happy to live here and feel safe even walking down to the shops at night.

The parish council try to keep the area clean and litter free and we even have baskets of flowers on the lamp posts in the summer. However, if we are to get a facelift that will be nice.

The only problem over the years has been the car parking and there are some drivers who ignore the disabled parking areas. A more regular visit by the parking people might solve this. The one way system helped the problem enormously since the early days.