LETTER: 40 years of happy and useful life

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I would take issue with correspondent Mr Worley’s comment about ‘steering clear of Electro Convulsive Therapy’ because of ‘disastrous long term side effects’.

In the 1960s I suffered from suicidal manic depression for many years. I lost my job and could not even get up in the mornings but I had a fantastic consultant psychiatrist in charge of my case.

Among many varied treatments he prescribed six ECT treatments while I was in hospital in Chichester.

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It was painless and the side effects were loss of memory and concentration. These came back to me in the course of time, maybe not as crisp as originally but enough for me to hold down a responsible job and make a happy marriage.

The treatments, including ECT have led to over 40 years of happy useful life, still doing volunteer work at the age of 81.

M. OAKEY (Mrs)

Redford Avenue, Horsham

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