Concerns over plan to sell-off centre

IN response to your request for comments on the story “Fury as Arun opts to reject town plan” (Gazette, December 22), what concerns me is that Arun District Council is again considering selling off the Littlehampton Swimming and Sports Centre site to fund its other activities.

What a daft idea. We have a very smart pool in a pleasant area that people enjoy visiting, with the parking they need. Schools visit to give pupils swimming lessons and there is space for their coaches. Why on earth should we pull this down and build blocks of flats in its place?

The town centre would lose the St Martin’s car park area and would probably be replaced by a multi-storey eyesore. Not much money left over for the new pool!

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Your above article refers to Arun’s huge infrastructure deficit. Would the swimming and sports centre be demolished and never rebuilt – just like our hospital?

Moving the pool to St Martin’s car park was considered in 2005 and subsequently rejected. Forget this silly idea again.

John Baldwin

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