Farm Diary

LOVELY warm weather brings all the flowers and blossom out in the woodlands. White blossom surrounds the fields at Crouchlands like snow, as the hedgerows awake from their winter sleep. We are re-drilling some grass seed, having had three small fields fail in the autumn due to late drilling.

The conditions are perfect and it should all be finished and rolled in by the time you read this. We have spread some more dirty water on the silage fields, and the grass has started to grow very strongly in the last week as the days lengthen noticeably.

We are filling in around the concrete towers with clay and soil on the building site, with conditions being ideal for this activity. Whilst the German engineers put up the roof timbers on the first tower, and paint the inside with black epoxy paint, we have been erecting some very complicated shuttering to form a concrete base for the electrical 'switch', through which the power will be fed into the national grid once we start generating.

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We have yet to make the base for the transformer itself, but that is fairly straightforward. Climbing inside the towers now that they are finished, one realizes how massive they really are; what a place for a party!

I got the dreaded phone call last week to tell me the Rural Payments Agency were coming to check all passports, ear tags, records etc: 24 hrs notice is all one gets, but this time we are very relaxed.

We are really on top of this, and apart from the nuisance for the cows of them all having to go through the race in order to have their tags read, and the hours that will be wasted with all the beurocracy, it's just something one has to put up with. At least it's not raining!

For full story see West Sussex Gazette April 8

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