
Trich Lock, 16 Pelwood Road

Hi my name is Trish Lock I have lived in Camber for the last 15 years, I am Chairperson of the Camber Residents Association

I have been asked to write our village voice,I will be doing this once a month, so you will get all the forth coming events in our village.

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But first I would like to thank Chris and Larri for all their hard work over the time they have been keeping us up to date on what is going on in Camber,I hope I can carry on their good work keeping everyone equally informed..

If there is anything you feel you would like to include in the column please ring me on 224403 or email

my address is 16 Pelwood Road, TN31 7RU.

Parish Council news.

The Parish Council are holding a Bric-a-Brae sale on the 23rd of March. So if there is something you would like to donate please contact Lee on 01797-229078 collection can be arranged if you can not get along. This will be held at Thomas Longley Hall.

There will also other events over the coming year. As you may know the Parish Council had a grant for the printing of the Village news letter for the first year, now they need to fund raise to keep the letter going. I’m sure we would not want to lose it, so please give them as much help and support that you can.

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The next Parish Council meeting is on the 19th January, at 7-30. at the Camber Memorial Hall Lydd Road.

There is also a public consultation day on the 12th Feb. 10 am-7-30 the Memorial Hall. on the future of Camber.

Camber Castle are holding a Charity Quiz night to be held for the St Micheal Hospice,on 21st Feb. 7-30pm so why not come along for a good night out and do your bit towards this worth while cause. Maggie also hold a free pool even on Sundays.

Camber church news there is a Parish Communion every Sunday at 10-30am followed by a cuppa if you have time. The service on 17th Feb has more of a focus on the family who ever so is more informal and designed with children in mind.

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Wednesday 13th Feb is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. There is a special liturgy with the distribution ashes and communion at 7pm.

On Saturday the 16th Feb at there will be the annual quiz night £3 for adults and £1 each child,this is held at Thomas Longley hall (beside the church) refreshment will be served but if you would like something stronger please bring your own.

Please don’t forget our Friday afternoon pop in at the church hall, have a nice cupper and a chat, its all informal and sometimes quite hilarious. If you need a lift give Larri our village nurse a ring on 07858 449 360.

Camber Residents Association will be holding their afternoon cream tea for the senior citizen of Camber on 22nd Feb at 2pm at the Camber Castle publichouse.don’t forget to book 224403. no book no seat.

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Camber Film club. on the 8th March will be showing “SKYFALL”

Please remember PCSO Dan Bevan is always there to help you. if there is something going on that you are not sure about in the village. or if there is something you feel he can help with please give him a ring 07796195639 or 101 ex 66225