
ISN'T the snowdrop a lovely thing?Paper thin stem with small whitelanterns, tiny harbinger of Spring.Delicate and fragile gently blowingin the still cold breeze,carpeting the woods and leaning closeto all the awakening trees.

Pure little miracle that never fails to

return, undaunted by the snowy wind,

and frosty air every Spring as life

renews, it is always there.

A delight to see after Winter's chill

the heart begins to lift knowing the

crocus and daffodil will soon be born

again in the arms of Spring as her

perennial gifts.

Other flowers bring us joy, bluebells,

roses and the marigold, Summer's blaze

of colour and Christmas holly's cheer,

but what can ever equal the morning

that we discover the first snowdrop is


Catherine Neale

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