Cooden Millennium Townswomens Guild - May 23

SINCE our May meeting coincided with 80 years of the Townswomens Guilds and also with the day when women got the vote, it was decided that we would have a suffragettes tea party.

Many of our members came dressed in long skirts and high neck blouses and wore sashes in the suffragettes colours and now TG colours. Some wore straw hats decorated in the same way. After the usual business of secretary's report and the treasurer's report and section matters, also discussions on outings, we settled down to a very nice tea of sandwiches and homemade cakes. Then there was the handing out of birthday cards by the chairman and we turned our minds to a quiz. The raffle was drawn and we all agreed it had been a lovely friendly afternoon, very different to the usual format.

The winner of the competition was announced and the chairman wished everyone a safe journey home.