Why few voted

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It is my belief that two reasons are behind the lack of response in the numbers who decided to vote in the neighbourhood plan referendum, as summed up in the two spoilt ballot papers with both yes and no marked.

The first reason can be seen in the middle of the town, now nearing completion, the old garage/market site, where huge blocks of flats now stand, some said to be as high as seven floors! They were originally rejected by Arun District Council, but allowed on appeal. At the time, in April, 2010, I wrote to this paper, questioning whether the planning appeal inspector, Doug Cramond, had even been to our town. I am sure a number of residents around this site must be wishing they live elsewhere.

The second reason for the low turnout could be lack of knowledge, as many people did not know what the referendum was about. The Gazette is not seen by everyone, so how were people aware of the vote, especially if they were not registered?

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A further factor overlooked in relation to the building of the flats was the question of parking. It was deemed there was sufficient in the nearby roads, but these are already full, 24 hours a day. In this day and age, no house or flat should be built without space for a car.

E. Benham

Gloucester Place


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