
Ninfield & Hooe newsNinfield & Hooe news
Ninfield & Hooe news
Life, is just a bowl of cherries?: Yes, but in 5/4 time! And to those of you who are musical, and get the gag, you know just how I’m feeling at the moment! How tempting it is sometimes, to just run away! But unfortunately, the bills don’t get paid in the interim, and the problems, worries and upsets are still there when you come back! Anyway, thinking of nice things to keep the chin uplifted, the O.H and I had a lovely meal with friends over the weekend and, even though I say it myself, the food was quite delightful! My Chinese dishes, including Pheasant Satay and Venison in Black Bean sauce, were original and very well received; Hussah! I don’t think I’ll enter Masterchef, but hey, I was rather pleased with myself! It’s funny, in this column each week, I write up the details of all the society meetings, and social events, and, invariably there are “light refreshments available”. For a start, this is a phrase that I can now type at high speed, and without looking at the keyboard, but I’m wondering if maybe my Pheasant Satay would be acceptable as a “light refreshment”? No? Ok, Maybe not: - and at the Village Market this Saturday there will be the usual tea/coffee/cakes the Pop Up cafe,- shame, The O.H and I wanted to do Bacon /Fried Egg Sarnies..! Memories of the old days in the East End of London! So, we’ll start right there...No!, Not in Limehouse or Leytonstone, but with the Market in the Memorial Hall..!

Ninfield Village Market: Saturday 16th March from 9.30am - 12 midday in the Memorial Hall There will be a full house of stalls, with all the favourites, selling lovely local produce at lovely local prices! Meats, Pies, Vegetables, Eggs, Plants, Bread, Cheese, Cakes, Preserves and Juices - all you could possibly want, plus non-comestibles and gifts, for perfect pre-Easter surprises!. As said above, The Pop Up Cafe will refresh you as you browse and buy, and, remember that The Market in April will be on Easter Saturday 20th, when there will be an Easter-Egg Tombola to take part in, raising money for the Memorial Hall refurb. Call Chris Hutchinson for more details or to book a stall on 01424 893388

Neighbourhood Plan - Drop In Afternoon: Saturday 16th March - Methodist Hall, 12.30-4pm. A Chance for residents to come in and chat about the proposed Ninfield Neighbourhood Plan, and find out more of what it will achieve, and how it can be put together. Although the Parish Council are fronting the initiative, it is vital that local people get involved, with all the wonderful skills they possess, and have input, make decisions, and form the BEST collection of proposals for the Parish. It’s NOT all about development, or planning, although getting the balance of these necessities right will help form what Ninfield will look like in the next 20 years. But it is also about the environment, local business, amenities and social events, local history, green spaces; all things that are important to keep Ninfield vibrant and a such a lovely place to live. Please do drop in to see what is happening, pick up a leaflet and maybe offer some time to help gather information, or read documents. There will also be some packs available for anyone who is interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, and, again, it is vital that residents find out what the ramifications are if the Parish Council is lost on May 2nd. And - Guess what, there’ll be “Light Refreshments”!!!

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Ninfield Horticultural Society 1): Monday 18th March, 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall- welcoming Sarah Page, and her talk about ‘The History of the Sussex Trug’. This will be a lovely evening, with Refreshments and a Raffle! And a chance to catch up with all the last details before the Annual Spring Show on Saturday 23rd - see column entry below!! Don’t forget to pick up your schedule from the Village Stores, or at this meeting, so you can decide which of the many and varied classes you want to enter! Call Rose on 01424 892422 or email [email protected] for more information on meetings, events and shows!

Hooe Parish Council: Monday 18th March 7.30pm in Hooe Village Hall -do go and find out from your local reps. all the latest updates, and how the new Hall project is going. Call Clerk to the Council, Sally Durman on 01424 893007 for more details.

Ninfield Bonfire Society: Wednesday 20th March 8pm in the Working Men’s Club. All the latest news on the fundraising events planned for the rest of the year. Membership is only £10 for the year- why not join in the fun! Call Chairman Pete Holland on 01424 892326 for all info.

Ninfield Local History Group; Thursday 21st March, Methodist Hall 7.30pm - speaker John Bishop with his talk entitled ‘A Farmer Moving South’ Everyone welcome!

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Hooe History Group: Thursday 21st March, 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Hooe- speaker Geoff Hutchinson and a talk on ‘ Rudyard Kipling’.

Diamond Celebration!- Marjorie and Roger Sharpe, who have lived locally since they married, will be celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary in the Working Men’s Club from 2pm and they would love friends from the Village to join them; so do go along, they will be thrilled to see you! - Many Congratulations!

Annual,Spring Show: Ninfield Horticultural Society 2):- Saturday 23rd March, Memorial Hall, Doors open to the public from 2.30pm; everyone is welcome to go and see all the wonderful exhibits, look for the prizewinners, have tea and cakes and thoroughly enjoy a fabulous afternoon- it’s a highlight of the Season!

Hooe Open Group: The Lively ladies of H.O.G were thrilled to have Brian Freeland entertain them at their last meeting on Friday, 8th March. Brian has spent the last 50 years in the Entertainment Industry (salutations from this similar serving entertainer!!) - and Brian has been involved in all sorts of production and backstage management. After National Service, in 1959, he started his career as a trainee manager at the London Palladium, and subsequently toured 43 countries, with 3 residencies in the Middle East and 8 tours of the Indian sub-Continent. Memories of Variety Days, with Tommy Trinder, Flanagan and Allen and the Crazy Gang drew smiles from the Ladies, and many questions were asked at the end of the presentation. All in all it was a lovely afternoon. with tea and cakes and a raffle, and everyone looks forward to the next meeting on Friday April 12th, 2.30pm in Hooe Village Hall. Call Edna Wallis on 01424 842591 for more information or just turn up!

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Church Services: Sunday 17th March 10.30am Methodist Church, Worship and Communion with Rev. Malcolm Peach.

Messy Church - Wednesday 27th March 3.30- 5-30pm Methodist Hall, ‘Jesus changes the World...’

Parish Church: Sunday 17th March- 9.30am St Mary’s, Ninfield- Family Eucharist; 11am St Oswald’s, Hooe- Parish Eucharist.

Wednesdays- most weeks, 10am Holy Communion - see Parish sheets for details.

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NINFIELD MEMORIAL HALL: In big letters, because, they need BIG help! At a committee meeting at the end of February, it was announced by the refurb. project manager that the cost for all the necessary building works, upgrades and decorating would come out in the region of £250K. To say there was a gasp of amazement is an understatement; it is so much more than first thought. But, the fact remains that work needs to be done and money, again, needs to be found. So, please support the Quiz Night on Saturday 6th April, 7 for 7.30pm - entry £6 per head to include a Ploughman’s Supper, tables of 6 please call Jennifer Collett on 01424 892878 to book your places.- More details next week.

K.I.T: Call me 01424 893699, or text 0797050321 email [email protected] - by 6pm Monday evening Thanks!

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