Dawn and sunset as Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra light up new Worthing Festival

WPO action with Dominic Grier and Nadine Benjamin - pic by Dale OvertonWPO action with Dominic Grier and Nadine Benjamin - pic by Dale Overton
WPO action with Dominic Grier and Nadine Benjamin - pic by Dale Overton
Review by Richard Amey. Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra ‘Summer Concert’ (2nd day of first Worthing Festival, June 10-18), Assembly Hall, Sunday 11 June 2023 (3pm), leader Preston Yeo, conductor Dominic Grier, guest *soprano Nadine Benjamin. Wagner, Prelude & Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde; Richard Strauss, *Four Last Songs; Tchaikovsky, Symphony No 5.

The cultural dawn of Worthing’s first full arts Festival is an overdue vehicle for the town’s wide artistic personality. Ironically, it has taken a few new local politicians to make it happen - not from a Conservative or a Lib Dem council but from a Labour one in its maiden term of office.

Last year, early after lockdown lift, under her leadership, Tarring councillor Rita Garner, with colleagues Cathy Glynn-Davies, Andy Willems and Dale Overton, found and assembled the town’s arts providers and makers to meet, confer, collaborate and pool skills and draw on fresh forms of assistance and backing. The aim was to engender a more co-ordinated, coherent and substantiated showcase of the town’s artistic offering. By the second meeting, the arts community’s festival potential was too strong for the councillors or the providers to resist.

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