Short burst of exercise as good as a workout

Just an hour of daily exercise in short bursts throughout the day can slash your risk of dying prematurely by 57 per cent, a new study found.

And those who could cram in 100 minutes daily saw their risk cut by 75 per cent.

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Whether swapping the lift for a brisk walk up the stairs or a 10 minute strident walk to the corner shop, these sporadic bouts of exercise are as effective as a sustained exercise session in reducing the risk of death.

People have been bombarded with advice on how much exercise they should do to combat the ill health effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

For instance the NHS recommends adults should be active daily and do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as cycling or brisk walking every week combined with strength exercises on two or more days that work all the major muscles.

Or they should do 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or a game of tennis every week, and twice weekly strength exercises.

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