BBC News shared a breaking 'Hugh Grant spotted in bakery' story - and got mocked online

Hugh Grant in 2019 (Photo: Leon Neal/Getty Images)Hugh Grant in 2019 (Photo: Leon Neal/Getty Images)
Hugh Grant in 2019 (Photo: Leon Neal/Getty Images)

The BBC has been criticised over a “sensational” news story that had social media users up in arms.

Well, “sensational” in a purely ironic sense.

On 18 April, the BBC News website published a story with the headline, “Hugh Grant spotted in Frome bakery”.

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Little could the corporation have known that the story would attract such attention online, though not necessarily for the right reasons.

"Huge if true” was the response of many sarcastic commenters, while others pondered just why they were continuing to pay their license fees.

‘That’s news?!’

"I actually clicked on it to see what happened in the bakery,” said one user. “Turns out nothing.”