
The “new” New Inn: Their website is now up & running www.newinnwestfield.com. For bookings & further information telephone Patrick on 01424 752800. The regular coffee mornings have commenced on Wednesdays from 9.30 onwards & have proved very popular & you do now need to make a booking. Just give Patrick a call to find out more. There are also new Sunday opening hours commencing May 3rd, the bar will be open 12 – 10 with the kitchen open 12 – 6. From Monday 11th May the bar is open 12 – 11 with the kitchen open 12 - 2.30 & 6 – 9. They are also hosting an end of fete charity event in the Community Hall 7 -11 on June 6th for over 18’s only. Tickets are £10 & strictly limited – available only from the New Inn. There is live music from “Slam”, a bar & the charities set to gain from the evening are CCU & James Wards at the Conquest and the Oliver Curd Trust.

Village Fete: Jurassic themed & on the Parish Field 6th June 1 – 4. The entrance is via Cottage Lane & once in you will find a hog roast, tug of war, bar, circus entertainers & much more. For more info & to maybe help, contact Rachel Harrison. There is a post fete event strictly for over 18’s – please see above.

New PCSO: We are fortunate as a village community to have been taken under the wing of a new and enthusiastic Police Community Support Officer, Demetrius Georghiou. With a view to being a prominent and approachable figure in our village, Deme is keen to introduce himself to village residents, parents and guardians and would be happy to say hello whilst on his rounds.

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Westfield Youth Club: runs a number of fun events. For more information contact Min Stratford on 07952 995743.

Westfield Horticultural Society: At the recent meeting over 30 members and guests were enlightened with a talk by Mr Hiliary Newman on the Greenhouse and its uses. Members enjoyed a good natter over tea and cake plus the opportunity to get some more unusual seeds for the garden. The Society’s programme continues with a plant sale at Westfield Village fete on Saturday, 23rd of May where members can collect their free seedlings of pumpkins for the great pumpkin challenge. In other word, this is to see who can grow the heaviest pumpkin, the weight to be judged at the AGM in October. June’s activity is the coach trip to Wisley on Saturday, the 13th. The cost is £15 to include entry. There are still a few places available so if you would like to come please contact the chairman, Kelvin Lynch on 01424 754612 for further details.

Westfield Women’s Institute: meets in the Parish Hall at 2.15pm on Tuesdays. New members are always welcome; just turn up, or for more information contact the President, Mrs Julie Lloyd, on 01424 754013.

The Friendship Club: continues to meet alternate Mondays from 2-3.30pm in the Parish Hall. Whist and bingo are enjoyed by members, with a chat over tea and biscuits. The subscription is just £5 per year, and new members will be made very welcome. For further information please contact Jean Hobson on 753095. The next meeting is on May 11th with future dates planned - May 25th, June 8th & 22nd, July 6th & 20th.

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Westfield Scout Group: is celebrating its centenary this month. The Group has an excellent reputation with all that it offers to Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, but sadly in this special year the future of the group is uncertain as new leaders are urgently needed when work commitments force the retirement of two leaders in July. If you can help, even on an occasional basis, please contact Frances 01424 754548 or Rose 01424 754080 for more information.

Westfield School Governor: A number of vacancies have recently arisen within the Governing Body, including a Parent Governor role and newly created ‘Co-Opted’ roles. Governors play a critical role in keeping the governing body aware of the views of parents and the local community. Serving as part of a team and an enthusiasm for the work of the school is paramount to a successful governing body. If you are interested and/or want more information you might find it useful to talk to our Chair of Governors, Bruce Miller. Please contact Bruce via the school office on 01424 751404. If you wish to stand for election, please obtain a nomination form from the school office.

Westfield Newsagent: is now a collection point for myHermes parcels. This is very useful for sending and collecting parcels. Please pop in for more information. They are also collecting the supermarket vouchers on behalf of the village school, just drop them in.

Pass and Move: runs football coaching sessions every Saturday at St Leonard’s Academy from 9-10.30am (£3.50) or 9-11.30am (£5) and in Westfield during the week & over school holidays. For information please email Duncan on [email protected], or call Tony on 07545 813545, visit Facebook:/PassMoveBattle or see the website, pass-move.com.

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Westfield Football Club: is still seeking volunteers to help provide local football opportunities at all levels and ages. If you can offer occasional or ongoing support, on or off the pitch, please contact the club secretary [email protected].

The village website: www.westfieldvillage.co.uk has all sorts of information about village organisations, events, Westfield Community Association and the Parish Council. This is your website, set up to serve the village community, and your contributions, news and views are needed.