Restored Bexhill bandstand ‘will act as focal point for our seafront’

Plans to restore a Victorian bandstand in Bexhill  have been given the backing of Rother council leaders.

On Monday (January 11), Rother District Council cabinet members approved plans to lease a Victorian-built and Grade II listed seaside shelter to Bexhill Heritage, following an extensive programme of repairs and restoration costing almost £60,000.

In taking the lease Bexhill Heritage will assist in the restoration work and in the long term plans to bring the shelter back to its original use as a bandstand. 

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In approving the lease, cabinet members praised the work of the group. Council leader Doug Oliver said: “The wonderful thing about the heritage group is the craft and meticulous way they attend to the shelters. 

“I watch them down there on occasion and they really are very skilled and have a lot of passion in what they are doing.”  

Jay Brewerton added: “Bexhill Heritage, what a fantastic group. A really strong, dedicated group of volunteers who are protecting the heritage of Bexhill. 

“They have really contributed thousands of hours to protecting many assets across the town and I am really proud of them and really proud that some of them are my friends.