Conversion of vacant Hadlow Down care home given green light

Proposals to convert a vacant care home into housing have been given the go-ahead by Wealden planners.

The proposals -to convert a former care home at Marlowe House in School Lane, Hadlow Down – were approved by Wealden District Council’s planning committee north at a meeting on Thursday (October 18).

As a result developers have permission to split the large Victorian building into three separate dwellings and to build an extension containing a further dwelling on the site.

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Before making a decision, the committee heard representations from Andrew Tyler and Clive Wilson, a highways consultant and architect acting for the developers. The committee also heard from neighbour Steve Godfrey, who objected to the proposals.

In his representation, Mr Godfrey raised concerns about proposed the entrance to the site saying it would become unsafe with vehicles parked nearby.

He said: “This will no longer be an exit from a couple of houses. It will be an exit from a close of houses. In fact it becomes a road junction and needs to be considered as such.”

“Should the development be allowed to proceed as planned, I would request that the council or the developer arrange for the existing double-yellow lines to be extended for the safety of all the existing and new residents in this section of school lane.”

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