Special guests for VE Day in LancingSpecial guests for VE Day in Lancing
Special guests for VE Day in Lancing

In pictures: Lancing and Sompting celebrate VE Day

Residents in Lancing and Sompting made the most of the fine weather on Friday and celebrated the 75th anniversary of VE Day with social distancing street parties. Maple Walk in Sompting had a party on Friday. Tracy Cozens said: “It was an enjoyable day and we even managed to play a game of social distanced badminton.”

Residents in Rogate Close, Sompting, pulled together to put up decorations for VE Day, there was afternoon tea in The Crescent, Lancing, and residents of Steyning Close, Sompting, had two minutes’ silence on in their front gardens. Nicole Wade said: “We watched the flypast, had afternoon tea, listened to the Queen’s speech and had a street sing-along. Fantastic day, beautiful weather, lovely neighbours. I’m very proud of our little community.”