Pages of A-level reports and pictures in your Gazette

Students celebrate their A-Level resultsStudents celebrate their A-Level results
Students celebrate their A-Level results
It’s been a tough year, but students across the area proved their worth when it came to their A-level results.

The Gazette always supports and applauds the efforts and achievements of our town’s young people – and this week’s papers, out tomorrow, Thursday, August 20, offer pages of pictures and reports from A-level results day.

West Sussex County Council confirmed the county-wide results showed a slight increase on last year’s pass rates when it came to those who took the full two-year A2 exam – the number of students earning A* to E grades rising. But the proportion of high achievers who took home passes at A* to B was slightly down on 2014.

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When it came to the one-year AS-level courses, the passes at grades A to B and A to E were up. Jeremy Hunt, the county council’s cabinet member for education and skills, said: “I would like to congratulate all West Sussex students, whether in local authority maintained schools, academies or colleges, on their achievements in this year’s AS and A-level examinations.

“I am absolutely delighted with the work and effort put in by our students in order to achieve their individual goals. I would also like to pay tribute to all our teaching staff, for their dedication and the excellent work they do with all the young people in the schools and colleges across West Sussex.”

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