Rain doesn’t dampen spirits at fair

Garden and Local Produce Fair at South Lodge Hotel SUS-150520-102539001Garden and Local Produce Fair at South Lodge Hotel SUS-150520-102539001
Garden and Local Produce Fair at South Lodge Hotel SUS-150520-102539001

Sadly the weatherman got it right on the Thursday, as fair day saw constant rain from about 10.30am until it closed but it did not deter over 800 people from attending and enjoying the day whilst supporting St Catherine’s Hospice.

“We have to thank our visitors, stallholders, sponsors and volunteers that came and joined in the madness of the day and did not allow the rain to dampen their enjoyment at our new venue, South Lodge Hotel,” said Sally Pavey volunteer organiser.

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The cars came in their hundreds for the bubbly breakfast with many a shopper collecting a wheel barrow shopping trolley on arrival so that they could have first pickings of the wonderful plant and countryside stalls before enjoying a bubbly breakfast inside the luxury marquee.

Paul Marquees brought glamour to the event with panoramic windowed marquee and chandeliers, a welcome venue for all as the rain kept on coming.

“So many venues may have cancelled the fair due to the weather conditions but thanks to South Lodge we just carried on and their staff were amazing, dealing with barbequing in the rain,” said Sally.

The volunteers endeavoured to keep up with the constant flow of cars bursting into ‘singing in the rain’ at regular intervals much to the amusement of the visitors warm and dry inside their cars.

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The atmosphere went to a new level when singer Lianna Haynes joined dinners in the marquee bringing her cheery voice to the darkness outside.

“By 3pm most of our shoppers had gone and we invited in all the stallholders in the marquee for tea and cake before we set about taking down the event for another year”, said Sally. “We have had lots of messages of congratulations from all for the events wonderful atmosphere despite the rain.”

“We are not sure how much we have raised but we know we would not of raised anything if we had not had the support of everyone on the day.”

Image of opening - Senior Man