LETTER: Will councillors vote like sheep?

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Further to your article headed ‘Council attempts to defuse row over bowls club future’ in the County Times, Mr Chowen’s statements, far from diffusing the matter, just confirms his attitude towards the bowls club future.

The bowls club has consistently provided a good case, he just does not want to see it.

Let’s face it, just over two years ago Mr Chowen was quite happy to recommend knocking down the leisure centre without providing a replacement.

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He changed his mind then when pressed by the public and he has changed his mind again regarding the bowls club.

I refer to the council meeting in 2012 when it was agreed by the council, following his recommendations and that of the consultant employed by the council to include indoor bowls within the plan.

Mr Chowen keeps referring to membership numbers, may I remind him that we have the largest sports club membership in the Horsham District.

Our playing members were never 800 as he incorrectly quotes.