LETTER: Problems ever since the vote

It all seemed so easy to so many, finally an EU-UK in/out referendum that would settle Britain's differences regarding our membership, or so we were led to believe.

The Leavers won by a narrow majority and we’ve had problems ever since.

Not least, severe devaluation of our currency which will probably have a negative effect on pensions in the future.

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This is odd in so many ways, everything was done legally and above board as far as anyone is aware but nobody has produced any serious evidence to establish why or how Britain will be better off out of the EU?

Government departments and most major companies are well known for conducting in-depth cost benefit analyses for all major projects. Nobody I know has even heard of one being conducted. This takes me to the forthcoming Article 50 negotiations. What is Britain’s actual plan or, red line(s) for agreement on major issues that will directly affect our future generations?

Are we expected to just live with some shortcomings?

To be a bit more specific, the remaining 27 EU countries must agree and vote on all aspects of whatever is agreed for Britain’s exit. That places us in an uncomfortable position as they have already agreed that Britain must not be seen to gain any advantage from leaving.

My fear now is that this Brexit programme has not been planned and evaluated by professionals who are fully aware of UK Government policy and possess very limited knowledge of the EU policy and culture. For the 48 per cent who voted to stay in the EU, Brexit is now doing something to them, not for them. Are we in for another 40 years of political discord?

F. Edwards

Birkdale Close



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