LETTER: Oving lights cause danger

I am dismayed The Observer has joined the '˜fight' to retain the current operation of Oving traffic lights. This seems very partisan and takes no account of the views of Oving Road residents living to the city-side of the lights.

Our Oving Road is already operating over-capacity at rush hours and school collection times. Cars regularly mount the footway on the south side because the east-bound traffic does not give way. This is terribly dangerous. I have had my gatepost knocked over without the driver pausing. I worry desperately for local children, be they residents or pupils of Portfield School, who cross Oving Road as pedestrians daily.

The argument – succinctly articulated by the city council – is between safety and convenience. I hope neither the Observer nor the district council will give the latter priority. Safety, surely, is paramount. The traffic conditions in Oving Road worsen noticeably year-on-year as the local car-owning population and the demand for home-deliveries increases.

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