North Bersted school celebrates good Ofsted

Staff and pupils at a North Bersted school have begun the new year backed by a good rating from inspectors.

The Ofsted watchdog has awarded Bartons Infant School its second highest grading in an inspection report issued within the past week.

Lead inspector Chris Grove said: “The headteacher has an inclusive vision for the school which is shared by teaching and support staff.

“This leads to their very good relationships with pupils.

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“The positive atmosphere for learning is quickly established with the children in the reception classes and is very evident right across the whole school.”

Marion Daley, the school’s headteacher, said: “We are delighted that Ofsted recognise we are a caring and supportive school where all groups of pupils make good progress.

“Staff are good at recognising and supporting pupils’ personal as well as their academic needs.

“The strong focus on care for pupils results in consistently positive personal development and good behaviour.”

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“We are pleased that Ofsted noted good quality teaching and an exciting curriculum that motivates and interests the pupils and enhances their learning.

“Pupils develop impressive speaking and other social skills. In the light of their above average attainment in literacy and numeracy, they are well prepared for the next stage of their education.”

Mr Grove and his team of inspectors visited the school of 153 pupils in Romney Broadwalk in early December. He said: “Teachers set high expectations with the result that pupils are attentive and well-focused.

“Tasks are mostly well matched to the learning needs of the different groups of pupils, which ensures good levels of challenge.