Mystery lights caused my camera to malfunction, says allotment holder

I was interested in your article about mysterious lights being seen in the area.

As a keen photographer last year, I was taking photos of the sunset in some Felpham allotments when I saw two orange balls of light fly out of the sky and then hover at the other end of the allotment. I took photos of them.

My initial reaction was to walk towards them to get closer shots, but halfway along the path everything suddenly went very cold, my hairs stood on end and I decided to leave quickly.

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It is strange, but the balls of light also seemed to have affected my camera.

The background sunset and trees became very dark and blurred and there was a mysterious shaft of light in the sky.

I think these photos do confirm other sightings of unidentified flying objects in the Bognor area.

I have seen similar UFOs in Keilder Forest in Northumberland and Crystal Palace Park in London where I also took photos of them.

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