
Iden newsIden news
Iden news
SNAP SHOTS: I tend to dwell on the things I can't do, rather than the things I can do, and I'm sure that many of you are the same. I remember the times that I felt I'd failed at being a wife and mother, employee, friend, rather than thinking that I did an okay job. The other day my daughter asked me to look out a photo of her when she was a baby, and I began sifting through a lifetime's worth of photos [3 cases full], and lo and behold my kids looked happy and well-nourished, and while not being the best laundress in the world, they had tidy school photos, and big smiles We held some great parties at one time, teenagers dossing down on put-you-ups, engagement parties, 25th wedding, 21st parties. I couldn't do it now, but I did night duty, ran my home, and did some serious first aid and all kinds of things. Now my capabilities are only a fraction of what they were. I'm past my sell-by -date, and the things I can no longer do give me great feelings of inadequacy [I think it's called old age!]. Looking at those photos, I saw that I hadn't really failed, I'd just done the best I could with what I had, like most of us. Sometimes fate trips us up and throws a spanner in the works, and we are not to blame for that. So next time you get a touch of low self-esteem, get out the photo album, you'll be as shocked as I was to see that at the very least you were perfectly passable!

‘SHIP TO SHORE’: Iden Players are to present a variety show, entitled ‘Ship To Shore’, on Saturday 8th April, in Iden village hall. There will be two performances, one at 2.30pm, and one at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £7 for adults, and £4 for children. You can buy tickets from Iden Stores, from 6th March, or ring 01797 280143, to book tickets. There will be a raffle, the proceeds of which go to ‘Friends Of The Church’, and ‘St Michael’s hospice’. Raffle prizes would be very gratefully received.

A SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION: There will be a service of Holy Communion [family service], in Iden Parish Church, this Sunday, at 9.30am.

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