Felpham residents to be consulted on new vision for village

Residents and representatives from various community organisations across Felpham are being invited to a special meeting to discuss the possibility of producing a parish plan.

The document will be a vision of how people want to see their community develop, and will include a plan of action outlining how this vision should be achieved.

The meeting, which takes place on Monday, October 27, will include a presentation by Mark McTaggart of Action in Rural Sussex, who will explain what the scheme involves and the benefits of these kinds

of plans.

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Issues which have been covered in other plans include crime and community safety, transport, sports, open spaces, leisure, health and housing.

Parish council clerk Peter Welch said that the plan was an important idea.

"The plan is facilitated by the parish council, but operated by the community themselves. It's important for those interested in the community and it is an opportunity for members of the public to get involved in producing a plan for their community about what they would like to see. The council is then obliged to take note of that once it is completed."

If enough interest is shown, the next step will be to set up a steering committee made up of a cross-section of people from Felpham who would oversee the production of the plan, with input coming from the whole village.

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