Cooksbridge, Offham & Hamsey

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CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday, St Peter's Church, 8am Holy Communion, 10.15am Sunday School in the church hall, 10.30am parish Communion followed by coffee in the hall.

AFTERNOON CLUB: A reminder that on March 14 the Monday Afternoon Club meet in St Peter’s Church Hall at 2pm. The talk will be on the work of the Pestalozzi Village which will be followed by tea and homemade cakes. Lifts available by calling Judith 01273 474356 or Caroline 01273 477151.

EASTER TIME: Palm Sunday is on March 20, Good Friday March 25, Easter Day March 27 when there will be services at St Peter’s Church. On god Friday at the village hall from 2pm to 4pm there will be an Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone welcome.

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MALTHOUSE PLAYPARK: Hamsey Parish Council continue to remind Lewes District Council that they agreed over a year ago to hand over responsibility for the play park in Malthouse Way, Cooksbridge to Hamsey Parish Council. The PC are keen to be in a position to make improvements to the little park.

COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD: The noticeboard in Whitfield Lane, Hamsey is no longer needed by the parish council but will be used by a Hamsey resident to display community notices and any relevant useful local information. If you would like to put a notice up there, please contact the parish clerk 01273 890621 or email [email protected].

MAINTENANCE: Following alerts from residents, the PC has pressed for clearing work on the pavement between Offham and Lewes and this has now been carried out. The P have also requested measures to prevent the recent flooding that occurred near the junction of the B2116 and the A275.

ADVANCE NOTICE: This will give everyone time to start collecting items for Anita and tom Walker’s bumper annual jumble sale. This year it will be held just after Easter at the village hall, Beechwood Lane, ono Saturday April 9 at 2pm. If you have items to be collected please contact Anita and Tom on 01273 472595 or email them on [email protected]. All offers of help for leafleting, collecting and sorting jumble (sorting from 2pm on Friday April 8 or in the morning on Saturday April 9 from 10am), as well as helping at the sale, will be greatly appreciated. Volunteers are also needed for cake making and serving teas. This year April 9 is also a village litter pick day so they can all combine to clear out and clear up together. Last year the jumble sale raised over £700 towards supporting community events at the hall throughout the year. This was only made possible because of the wonderful team of volunteers who help every year. Message from Anita: Please contact me at the above numbers if you are able to help in any way.

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RECREATION GROUND: Spending a penny. Trustees of the village hall have been asked if a toilet for public use could be provided in the grounds. The enquiry was passed to Hamsey Parish Council who own the hall and grounds. Despite some concerns over possible misuse of the facility, the PC agreed that if trustees will share the cost of installing a porta-loo, this will be trialed for 30 weeks from the Easter holidays.

PARISH COUNCIL: Hamsey Parish Council are pleased to be able to maintain their share of the council tax with no increase to residents. Despite making a large donation towards the new pavement in Beechwood Lane and continuing to support maintenance at the village hall and recreation ground and Hamsey Old Churchyard, council reserves are still looking healthy.

HAMSEY FESTIVAL: Five brilliant volunteers came forward to help organize a community event this summer. Some wonderful entertainment has been suggested by Daisy. But at least one more person, preferably more, are needed to help coordinate the event. The day or evening does not have to follow traditional format, so if you have any ideas, time and willingness to help make this much-loved community event happen this year, please get in touch as soon as possible. The village hall is reserved for the weekend of July 9 and 10 but alternative dates may be possible if booked early enough. Tamsyn D’Arienzo is happy to hand over details, contact and general information from last year. Contact her on [email protected]

GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME: Tamsyn D’Arienzo thanks the nine volunteers who have returned forms from the winter edition of the Hamsey News and volunteered their help in some way. She asked is you know someone who could use some help with lifts/prescription pick-ups, household or garden tasks, or perhaps are experiencing loneliness and would benefit from some company. Please get in touch so we can find you a local person to help. Call 01273 473771 or email [email protected] or call at Nursery Cottage, Cooksbridge.

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RESIDENTS SOCIAL GROUP: Several residents have apparently responded to the suggestion that getting together could be fun. Due to the dreadful winter weather the first meeting has yet to take place but a chat over coffee is planned and will be a chance to suggest the type of activities that could be enjoyed. If you want to join in you would be made very welcome. Please contact Daisy on 01273 400561.

FLYING VISIT: I was delighted when I was sitting having lunch and heard a commotion on the patio and looked out to see the pair of Mallard ducks that return every year to nest here. At the moment they are busy feeding with all the other hungry beaks that seem to winter here. There are now at least 15 hen pheasants and four beautiful cock birds. Life is never dull.

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