Battle MP steps up fight against plans to cut rail services

Battle MP Greg Barker stepped up his fight against the plans to axe the Hastings to Cannon Street train service after meeting the Hawkhurst Community Partnership in Etchingham this week.

The Partnership discussed with Mr Barker the work it does to support the local community, encouraging tourism and regeneration, and explained its concerns over the damaging effect these rail cuts would have on the area.

The plans, set out in the Kent Rail Utilisation Strategy, would remove entirely the direct commuter link to the City and shorten the remaining trains to Charing Cross.

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Mr Barker secured a debate in the House of Commons earlier this year and slammed Labour ministers for refusing to rule out the cuts and he has since launched a petition to save the Cannon Street service.

Mr Barker said: "I am delighted to be able to link up my campaign with the neighbouring Hawkhurst Community Partnership.