Women of World War One celebrated by Worthing students after battlefields trip

Students from Davison CE High School for Girls commemorated the woman of World War One for the Legacy 110 projectStudents from Davison CE High School for Girls commemorated the woman of World War One for the Legacy 110 project
Students from Davison CE High School for Girls commemorated the woman of World War One for the Legacy 110 project
Two year-nine students from Davison CE High School for Girls had the opportunity to go on a battlefield tour to mark the centenary of the First World War.

Ann Warwick, learning resource centre manager at the Worthing school, accompanied the girls on the trip organised by the Institute of Education, taking the ferry to France and travelling to Ypres in Belgium.

Together with 13 other schools, they visited cemeteries and commemorative sites in the Ypres Salient as well as on the Somme, and received extensive information about the battles of the First World War.

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A present-day soldier met with the students and helped them to compare and contrast modern equipment with World War One items, with the students discussing various arguments surrounding the war in groups.