Pupils inspired by determination to overcome disability

Alison Lapper running an art workshopAlison Lapper running an art workshop
Alison Lapper running an art workshop
Lancing Prep Worthing pupils met professional artist Alison Lapper, who talked about overcoming the challenges of her disability.

Alison was born without arms but has not let this stop her from being determined. She spoke of proving wrong those who said that she would never be able to go to university, to live independently, give birth to and care for a child, or to make a living as a professional artist.

Francesca Milling, head of PSHE, which covers personal development, said: “It was wonderful for our pupils to learn about Alison’s work and to hear her perspective on life. The children were buzzing with so many questions that we could have spent all day just talking and listening to her.”

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She had brought along some examples of her greeting card designs and a stunning portrait of Prince Harry and Meghan dancing, which she plans to give them as a wedding gift. Her advice to the pupils was to be inspired to do their best, to go for their goals and not to let anyone discourage them from what they want to achieve.

Alison led art workshops for year three and four pupils, who were banned from using their hands so they could paint like mouth and foot artists.

Francesca was delighted with the visit, adding that the art workshops were hugely entertaining, with the children grappling with paper, paintbrushes, paint palettes and water pots, using only their mouths and feet.

Alison shared tips and hints with them and the pupils were impressed with how easy she made it all looked. They soon found out it was rather more difficult to put into practice.