Lauren’s passion and enthusiasm is an ‘inspiration’

WH 080814 Lauren Roffey, right of Baked, in Rowlands Road, Worthing, successfully raised £2,500 through crowd funding. Pictured with Jessica Patterson.  Photo by Derek Martin SUS-140808-132031001WH 080814 Lauren Roffey, right of Baked, in Rowlands Road, Worthing, successfully raised £2,500 through crowd funding. Pictured with Jessica Patterson.  Photo by Derek Martin SUS-140808-132031001
WH 080814 Lauren Roffey, right of Baked, in Rowlands Road, Worthing, successfully raised £2,500 through crowd funding. Pictured with Jessica Patterson. Photo by Derek Martin SUS-140808-132031001
“AN inspiration’ and ‘a professional mindset beyond her years’ – those are the glowing words used to describe the latest nominee for a Worthing and Adur business award.

Lauren Roffey, owner of new café Baked, in Rowlands Road, Worthing, has been nominated by Web Shot Company head Julie Dennison,

Lauren, 29, set up her business as a social enterprise, opening in August.

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She met Julie while taking part in Worthing and Adur Chamber of Commerce’s peer to peer mentoring event, where both learned valuable business skills.

Julie said: “Lauren’s entrepreneurial enthusiasm and passion for social enterprise have been an inspiration.

“She has a professional mindset beyond her years and listening to her plan and apply this to her cause has been humbling.”

Lauren raised the last £2,500 to open her social enterprise via a public appeal – crowdfunding – offering rewards in exchange for donations.

It was another cunning plan which impressed her nominator.

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Julie added: “Her recent successes in attracting funding illustrates her astute business skills and her potential to make a success of Baked.